Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Truck Bumper Brush Guard Blue Print
Yesterday the sun shone so beautifully, so I decided that UNESCO Felsenmeer visit between Bensheim and lime rock in the Odenwald. Hiking in the necessary time I had totally miscalculated. Relaxation is therefore now announced and I will complete the experience report soon.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Ati Radeon 9000 Ibm T41driver
GIMP is an image editing software that can be used free of charge.
Here is a tutorial on how to create a logo:
Monday, November 17, 2008
What Were The Symptoms Of The Bubonic Plague
This wisdom I did not want to believe. But the reality is stronger. Therefore, it is normal not to rely on a knot at marriage would be sufficient in all cases always until the end of life for a trusting community. Perhaps one should perceive the community as a gift and not demand so much from the other. Just as one surrenders to the night's sleep and trusts, you may wake up the next day safe and sound.
Thus we can be happy if make various diary organizer their backups to protect their servers against pests and hostile to his diary entries at the same place again and again finds. Experience I have in my brief diary time now
- the rare case of data crash of a server operator ( Link1 »)
- the unwanted hostile takeover of my homepage or overseas by the operator a view to marketing
- several times the conversion of the diary outfits by the server operator purpose of integration of advertising
- changing the operating language diary Wiki ... and thus illegibility of my pages
just I just filled my diary central archive of pages from my diary-drpagel.log.ag, that further processing is complicated by constricted space and the future I will change only in my archives, if necessary. This move is not completed and will happen over a longer period. And yet here in the blogger-ad-free diary already the right column is probably reserved for advertising and usable diary range is limited to a column width of 410 pixels, so that subsequent table here may not be fully represented.
On 05/06/2007 I had this temporary page with a DIV-framed Interna Note including the link marked, so the editing might mightest know at least in the practical feasibility of a relief.
looked for the 10/9/2004 this example like this:
supplied freenet The operator the right column of the ad-free diary with images and advertising but now with Promotional videos, so that only the good soldier Svejk can endure anything further.
The normally from left to right reading man retains the most recently read most of what is thus in a right column (which is why the advertising strategist position probably also the advertising like right-leaning. This solid line has the result that may be the me important Weblinksname behind the left column disappears, if the left side with veralteteten records filled column is too far blown up. Therefore, I have only the last resort, my left table column width here in blogger-diary limit also with a fixed number of pixels. But the correct HTML code try this, I lack now the time and inclination. So I've wrapped manually as a last resort long URL's in the left column.
Here is an incomplete list of my posts that have now completely moved into my archive (updated occasionally):
old URL in http://drpagel.log.ag/ | new URL http : / / tb-archiv.drpagel.de / |
2004_09_2004_09_10_weblog.html | TB_2004-09-10.html |
2004_11_2004_11_25_weblog.html | TB_2004-11-25.html |
2004_12_2004_12_03_weblog.html | TB_2004-12-03.html |
2004_12_2004_12_06_weblog.html | TB_2004-12-06.html |
2005_01_2005_01_03_weblog.html # contribution1 | TB_2005-01-03Beitrag1.html |
2005_02_2005_02_16_weblog.html | TB_2005-02-16.html |
There are not only always to do something, but to write about his writing, as in real life. At some point, the question 'what is the meaning of life' may be answered in this way? I would rather have been sleeping instead of this documentation 2hours! The Birds are singing now in November by the coming of spring? (Dp) (2.5 h)
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Search Template For Vuze 2009
Overview: Royalty-free music for video production
1) www.musicbakery.com/ - from 34 - $ per track - very good quality
Each title in different lengths, for example - 15sec - 30sec-60sec - 2.40min
2) http://www.gemafreie-musik-online.de/ - from 29 - € allowed (for Internet projects)
use only in a project. For new projects, an additional license
needed 3) http://www.proudmusiclibrary.com/
4) http://www.freeplaymusic.com/5) http://www. soundtaxi.net /
6) http://www.playbaker.de/
7) http://www.mastertracks.de/
home page of music journalist Jan Renz here !
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Cateracts Smoking Weed
The meta tag in head Abstract (English head) of an HTML file is officially permitted, is google but thanks to the popularity of the search engine almost no longer used, because apparently google its contents can not evaluate.
But there is another way. On any scientific publication is an abstract (English abstract), in the short, the essence of a work is described in order to arouse the interest of readers searching for more. Now there is a meta-tag and the Description tag, which is to perform similar tasks. It recommends a maximum of two short sentences for Description.
A summary (English summary) also contains, but a little more detail, essential to a work. I had been advised to restrict the text to a maximum of one A4 page. Therefore, the description describes rather the HTML Web page that contains, as in this example, the summary of my doctoral work, because I had researched so much that it never went together in two short sentences.
meantime I have in my spare time postdoctoral this summary translated into many languages and my idea was similar to the websites of the European Union and EUR-LEX this my translations, they are also not yet perfect to make side by side comparative study of languages to read, is because in our increasingly networked world existent An understanding of the language is a key human technology.
One can imagine the good that one of three available languages (A, B, C) translations in six languages (from A to B, C, from C to A, B, from B to A, C) can be studied, in four languages (A, B, C, D) there are already twelve languages (from A to B, C, D, from B to A, C, D, from C to A, B, D, from D to A, B, C) and in five languages already twenty voice directions.
For the general case, this means that at n pieces languages thus resulting in n * (n-1) play voice directions. At present (04.11.2008) there are 21 translations and four special pages written, what would 600 'voice directions'. So many can not separate HTML pages I design with my limited resources. I have therefore, despite the warning from my friends use the Frame technology and for this a 'Frame' or 'frame rate' (English frameset) constructed. You have not only the lingua franca master English to the translation of Latin after Turkish understand, you can also try to translate directly from Faroese after Romansch . And who says that we can translate a passage different player, which I'm grateful for every tip.
So here now is the linked list of abstract (English abstracts) to my HTML frameset:
- Abstract: Summary, dissertation, drpagel (German: Alemán, Alemany, Alemão, Allemand, Alman, Daitsch, Engels, German, Germana, Germanicus, germanica, Γερμανικά, Nemški, Tedesco, Tudestg, Tysk, Tyska, Þýska,)
(Deutsch, Suetterlin / Sütterlinschrift - Transkription)
- Abstract: tsu: zam @ nfasUN , ? In? auk? in: Ra: ldIsERtatsi: o: n , drpagel (Deutsch, SAMPA-Lautschrift - Transkription)
- Abstract: tsu : zamənfasʊŋ , ʔɪnʔaʊkʔu: ʁa: ldɪsɛʁtatsi: o: n , drpagel (Deutsch, IPA-Lautschrift - Transkription)
- Abstract Opsomming, opening verhandeling, drpagel (Afrikaans, Südafrikanisch)
- Abstract: Abstract, dissertation drpagel (Catalan, Andorranisch / Katalanischer)
- Abstract: Sammendrag, doktorafhandling, drpagel (Dansk, Dänischer)
- Abstract: Summary, dissertation, drpagel (Australia Englisch)
- Abstract: Sammendrag, doktorafhandling, drpagel (Dansk, Dänischer)
- Abstract Samandráttur, doktorsritgerð, drpagel (Føroysk, Faroese / Faroese)
- Abstract: Résumé, dissertation, drpagel (Français, French)
- Abstract: Περίληψη, διδακτορική, drpagel (Ελληνικά, Greek / Modern Greek)
- Abstract: Perílepse, didactoricé, drpagel (Ellenicá, Greek / Modern Greek, Roman alphabet - transcription)
- Abstract: Samantekt, doktorsritgerð, drpagel (Islensk, Icelandic)
- Abstract: Abstract, dissertation, drpagel (Italian, englisch)
- Abstract: Summarius, Dissertatio, drpagel (Latinus, Lateinisch)
- Abstract: Zesummenfassung, Dissertatioun, drpagel (Lëtzebuergesch, Luxemburgisch)
- Abstract: Samenvatting, inaugurele thesis, drpagel (Nederlands, Niederländisch / Flämisch)
- Abstract: Sammendrag, doktorafhandling, drpagel (Norsk / Bokmål, Norwegisch)
- Abstract: Sumari, dissertação, drpagel ( Português, Portugiesisch)
- Abstract: Sumar, tezei of doctorat, drpagel (Română, Rumänisch)
- Abstract: Sammanfattning, doktorsavhandling, drpagel (Svenska, schwedisch)
- Abstract: Resumaziun, dissertaziun, drpagel (Rumantsch Grischun , Rätoromanisch)
- Abstract: Povzetek, inavguralen disertacija, drpagel (Slovenščina, slowenisch)
- Abstract: Abstract, PhD thesis, drpagel (English, Englisch, Kastilisch / Kastilianisch)
- Abstract: Özet, Doktor tezden , drpagel (Türkçe, Türkisch)
- publicity in drpagel biography
- expected *. blogspot.com, if one is capable einzugegeben the HTML code as XHTML. So the closing "/" character may be in the appropriate places (eg br tag, image tag) is not forgotten.
- For the Sütterlinschrift looks fluid and co-written, must cancel by BlogSpot Style for img tag also produced text-spacing and border markers be made, ie removed. This was in additional detail in the HTML img tag (see source code).
fun (fun) in language learning! (Dp) (1.75 h) (+2.35 h (07/11/2008))
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Community Service Hour Sheet Of Victorville
for filmmakers and photographers, it is important to know that different lighting conditions, different color temperatures have. Clearly visible in this example is interior shots, which gets in the film often has a reddish-yellow hue .
available in the following table some light situations with the corresponding color temperatures:
light source color temperature
bulb 100 W 2800 K
halogen lamp 3200 K
Fluorescent 4000 K
midday sun 5500-5800 K
flash picture 6000 K
If you change the color temperature of 3000 K to 8000 K, then changes the color impression of red after yellow on white towards blue . get
white balance with the camera
To under different light conditions is no "artificial" red-yellow or blue colors, a white balance help. It is(eg directed wall), the camera at a white object and carried out the white balance (to read the instructions in the manual of the camera). The camera then filters out the corresponding color components.
mixed interior and natural light
critical especially in recordings which are light and interior light are mixed. (Eg by sunlight that shines through a window into a space) then it is more useful if you darken the room and everything lit with a color temperature.
A detailed report on the color temperature can be found here:
Thursday, October 9, 2008
How To Do X-ray Trick With Gimp
are in this blog post is 202 self-assembly instructions, making films on the subject:
http: / / filmmakeriq.com/general/featured/202-diy-filmmaking-tutorials.html
Who Is Onion Booty Guy
Here is the entire series on video lighting ":
http://www.expertvillage.com/video -series/5279_video-lighting.htm
Bangbros Online Watch
Extras for Video Production Light Kits -- powered by ExpertVillage.com
John Deere Trail Fire Track Length
3 Point Lighting in Video Production -- powered by ExpertVillage.com