The meta tag in head Abstract (English head) of an HTML file is officially permitted, is google but thanks to the popularity of the search engine almost no longer used, because apparently google its contents can not evaluate.
But there is another way. On any scientific publication is an abstract (English abstract), in the short, the essence of a work is described in order to arouse the interest of readers searching for more. Now there is a meta-tag and the Description tag, which is to perform similar tasks. It recommends a maximum of two short sentences for Description.
A summary (English summary) also contains, but a little more detail, essential to a work. I had been advised to restrict the text to a maximum of one A4 page. Therefore, the description describes rather the HTML Web page that contains, as in this example, the summary of my doctoral work, because I had researched so much that it never went together in two short sentences.
meantime I have in my spare time postdoctoral this summary translated into many languages and my idea was similar to the websites of the European Union and EUR-LEX this my translations, they are also not yet perfect to make side by side comparative study of languages to read, is because in our increasingly networked world existent An understanding of the language is a key human technology.
One can imagine the good that one of three available languages (A, B, C) translations in six languages (from A to B, C, from C to A, B, from B to A, C) can be studied, in four languages (A, B, C, D) there are already twelve languages (from A to B, C, D, from B to A, C, D, from C to A, B, D, from D to A, B, C) and in five languages already twenty voice directions.
For the general case, this means that at n pieces languages thus resulting in n * (n-1) play voice directions. At present (04.11.2008) there are 21 translations and four special pages written, what would 600 'voice directions'. So many can not separate HTML pages I design with my limited resources. I have therefore, despite the warning from my friends use the Frame technology and for this a 'Frame' or 'frame rate' (English frameset) constructed. You have not only the lingua franca master English to the translation of Latin after Turkish understand, you can also try to translate directly from Faroese after Romansch . And who says that we can translate a passage different player, which I'm grateful for every tip.
So here now is the linked list of abstract (English abstracts) to my HTML frameset:
- Abstract: Summary, dissertation, drpagel (German: Alemán, Alemany, Alemão, Allemand, Alman, Daitsch, Engels, German, Germana, Germanicus, germanica, Γερμανικά, Nemški, Tedesco, Tudestg, Tysk, Tyska, Þýska,)
(Deutsch, Suetterlin / Sütterlinschrift - Transkription)
- Abstract: tsu: zam @ nfasUN , ? In? auk? in: Ra: ldIsERtatsi: o: n , drpagel (Deutsch, SAMPA-Lautschrift - Transkription)
- Abstract: tsu : zamənfasʊŋ , ʔɪnʔaʊkʔu: ʁa: ldɪsɛʁtatsi: o: n , drpagel (Deutsch, IPA-Lautschrift - Transkription)
- Abstract Opsomming, opening verhandeling, drpagel (Afrikaans, Südafrikanisch)
- Abstract: Abstract, dissertation drpagel (Catalan, Andorranisch / Katalanischer)
- Abstract: Sammendrag, doktorafhandling, drpagel (Dansk, Dänischer)
- Abstract: Summary, dissertation, drpagel (Australia Englisch)
- Abstract: Sammendrag, doktorafhandling, drpagel (Dansk, Dänischer)
- Abstract Samandráttur, doktorsritgerð, drpagel (Føroysk, Faroese / Faroese)
- Abstract: Résumé, dissertation, drpagel (Français, French)
- Abstract: Περίληψη, διδακτορική, drpagel (Ελληνικά, Greek / Modern Greek)
- Abstract: Perílepse, didactoricé, drpagel (Ellenicá, Greek / Modern Greek, Roman alphabet - transcription)
- Abstract: Samantekt, doktorsritgerð, drpagel (Islensk, Icelandic)
- Abstract: Abstract, dissertation, drpagel (Italian, englisch)
- Abstract: Summarius, Dissertatio, drpagel (Latinus, Lateinisch)
- Abstract: Zesummenfassung, Dissertatioun, drpagel (Lëtzebuergesch, Luxemburgisch)
- Abstract: Samenvatting, inaugurele thesis, drpagel (Nederlands, Niederländisch / Flämisch)
- Abstract: Sammendrag, doktorafhandling, drpagel (Norsk / Bokmål, Norwegisch)
- Abstract: Sumari, dissertação, drpagel ( Português, Portugiesisch)
- Abstract: Sumar, tezei of doctorat, drpagel (Română, Rumänisch)
- Abstract: Sammanfattning, doktorsavhandling, drpagel (Svenska, schwedisch)
- Abstract: Resumaziun, dissertaziun, drpagel (Rumantsch Grischun , Rätoromanisch)
- Abstract: Povzetek, inavguralen disertacija, drpagel (Slovenščina, slowenisch)
- Abstract: Abstract, PhD thesis, drpagel (English, Englisch, Kastilisch / Kastilianisch)
- Abstract: Özet, Doktor tezden , drpagel (Türkçe, Türkisch)
- publicity in drpagel biography
who as I previously did not know:
- expected *., if one is capable einzugegeben the HTML code as XHTML. So the closing "/" character may be in the appropriate places (eg br tag, image tag) is not forgotten.
- For the Sütterlinschrift looks fluid and co-written, must cancel by BlogSpot Style for img tag also produced text-spacing and border markers be made, ie removed. This was in additional detail in the HTML img tag (see source code).
fun (fun) in language learning! (Dp) (1.75 h) (+2.35 h (07/11/2008))
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